
Woman of the world

As soon as Aline steps into the warm Mallorcan breeze, there is an irresistible energy orbiting her, humble, wise and intuitive. The collar of her light satin shirt glimmers in the afternoon sun, highlighting a certain twinkle in her eye that has seen beauty far beyond the shores of Palma. We decide on a spot in the tropical garden of Palacio Can Marques, the hotel she designed, and brought to life with partner Kim. She agrees, brushing off a few curled leaves on the sofa, sitting back and releasing a light chuckle before we’ve even begun. We start at the beginning, until it becomes clear that there could be several beginnings. Words flow from her lips like liquid, dripping into dialogues once spoken and cities once lived. There is a richness to her descriptions in which a thread of creative


An article from abc Mallorca Luxury Premium